juicing + why I love it.

As I am sure you have been seeing on my Instagram stories/posts, I am in L O V E with juicing. My juicer (see bottom of page for the exact juicer) has become an instructor for me on the magic of nature and how we should be treating our bodies. I know it sounds crazy, but I find comfort and satisfaction with each creation I make, which is why I love to juice on a Sunday or after a workout. I try to get in my favorite 4-mile walk/run through Rosslyn into Georgetown, which ends at MOMs, where I pick up my produce (if I hadn't already gotten it at a farmers market).


These juices are my saving grace. I might have a meeting in Georgetown at 8 a.m. followed by a photo shoot at 11 a.m. and then realize by 3 p.m. I hadn't a chance to have a proper meal yet. Making these help me to make sure I get the nutrients I need when I am seriously ADD and focused on getting sh*t done. My favorite thing to store my juice in is a Ball Pint Mason Jar which keeps the juice sealed, fresh, and easy to transport. 

Here are my two of my favorite recipes so far! (always use all organic ingredients, don't need any of those pesticides in your beautiful bod).

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Beets Baby Beets

  • 3 beets 
  • 1 lemon
  • 5 stalks of celery
  • 1 thumb of ginger
  • 5 large carrots 

I used to think beets were way too earthy, but a few years ago when I was working with LUMI juices, I tried their Belmont Beet and thought differently. This should yield about two servings. Sometimes I add a Honeycrisp apple or a similar type if I want a little sweetness. I suggest doing an occasional taste test as you add the ingredients to see if you need more of any of the ingredients to fit your palette! 

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Hydrate Me, Please. 

  • 3 green apples
  • 5 stalks of celery
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 thumb of ginger
  • 1 lime (or lemon)

This juice is SO good in the summer. When I get back from a run or even just to wind down in the afternoon instead of having a glass of wine, I really enjoy one of these bad boys. I loooove cucumbers, so I will add in an extra cucumber if I am looking to fill up three jars, as the recipe above will most likely yield two jars worth. 

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Adjust both of these recipes as you please! You may find you want more ginger or less, double the beets and no carrots. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do! 

See below for the juicer that I adore and the jars I mentioned. Looking forward to hearing what you think about these combinations as you #CreateRight! 

**I am in no means a nutritionist or food expert, please discuss any health concerns you have with a healthcare professional.